YOGA TEACHER Brent, North West London
serve, love, give, purify, meditate, realise

Leaving a career as a graphic designer far behind, Susie decided to follow her 25 year love of yoga and make it her full time occupation, after all people say "Do something you really love, then it's not work!" Working for many years through varying forms of Hatha Yoga, she finally trained at the Sivananda Vedanta Ashram in the Austrian alps.
YOGA SESSIONS at Cricklewood Library
and Ashford Place NW2
With her many years of experience and her deep training, she now teaches in various gyms, community centres, private homes and offices. She also loves to teach the older people of the community, who are so often overlooked but who gain so much from the practice of yoga during the aging process.
Susie has recently completed her second 200hr TTC with Lara Heimann of LYT Yoga, a core based practice for optimal movement patterns so that you achieve greater strength, balance, mobility and adaptability.
The benefits of a yoga practice are numerous and too many to mention them all here, however yoga can regulate blood pressure, delay ageing, improve posture, reduce stress, calm and control the mind and increase breath why not practice?

In the beginning stages of practice, all asana are “advanced” in that they pose a significant problem to the student. Taking the approximate shape of the posture may not be possible, let alone maintaining the breath and stability of mind.
As practice develops, and the student becomes comfortable and stable in these postures they may realise that “advanced” just means postures they have not learned to become comfortable in - yet. Once these postures have been integrated, they are no longer “advanced”- they are simply part of the individual’s movement repertoire.